Sunday 18 January 2015

A bit of a catch-up

I have finally found some time to sit and write my blog. It’s Sunday afternoon and the boys are busy helping Daddy build a gate in the garden. So I am sat in front of the fire with coffee, a slice of my Mum’s homemade Christmas cake, and my laptop...Bliss!

I had hoped to write on here regularly, keeping a fairly detailed account of our home ed life. I never expected to be this busy! We went to organised home ed group social activities everyday on the run up to Christmas, it was crazy! There were trips to Blists Hill Victorian town, Christmas parties, extra forest school sessions (forest school is just BRILLIANT! We love it!), ice skating, gymnastics, and a pea Fayre (I’ll explain about this in a minute). All this combined with a big family Christmas, my brother’s wedding, getting a puppy (I know, we’re mad!!!), New Year, and Steven’s 2nd birthday has made “me time” to write this nonexistent. But we are so glad we have taken this step and we love it!!
The Pea Fayre was a fantastic experience. It was run by a local (ish) home ed group. Each family that attended had a stall. We made cakes for ours; others made biscuits, popcorn, sweets, crafts, games (hook a duck etc). At the start of the fayre, each person (adult and child) was given a small cup of chick peas as their currency.  We sold our cakes for 2peas a slice. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to learn in a very simple way the value of buying and selling and was fun too!

One of our favourite home ed groups is forest school. We love it! Both my boys LOVE getting muddy and would spend all day outside if they could. We go once a month. Michael is able to have a go at archery and rifle shooting (sorry mum!), both boys do crafting with power drills and logs, making fires, toasting marshmallows, rope swings, obstacle courses, mud kitchen, painting etc. Just brilliant!!!

I’ll leave it there for today and try and keep up with it by doing shorter blog posts more frequently. Here are a few photos taken at forest school...