Friday 27 May 2016

Finding our own routine

It has been nearly 6 months since my last post!!! Life just seems to fly by these days with very little time to sit and write.

We still absolutely love home education. As time has gone on we have found our own routine and style. We still attend many of the same groups with a few additions like piano lessons and a wonderful structured group run my our local organic farm. We tend to do less of our structured Sonlight stuff and more child led/Charlotte Mason type learning. This was mainly after I was finding that the things I had taught him because “that’s what we’re doing today” were being forgotten and the things they had initiated were staying in. It’s a lot harder for me doing it this way because I have to constantly be facilitating their questions and interests (Pinterest is a good friend of mine!) but so much more rewarding. We spend a lot of time outside exploring nature. I believe nature study is massively important. I am blessed with two boys who love nothing more than to be out digging for worms and searching for badger sets/rabbit warrens etc. 

I intend for us all (myself included) to keep nature journals. Michael is probably ready to start this soon, but it will be a while until Steven is ready. Nature Journals are a brilliant way of teaching children to really observe their surroundings in detail and feed the joy of nature and discovery.   It is also a brilliant way to keep them practicing their skills in recording, drawing/painting. We now spend a lot more time practicing drawing and painting. I want the boys to explore different media and really learn to love expressing themselves through art. Michael’s fine motor skills have been really improving since doing this more regularly and his painting skills (particularly in water colour) have seriously come on. This is a painting he did yesterday when observing the butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis after spending the whole winter in our observation net. It was feeding on the sweet juice of an orange.

We still read all the time and although we might not be following Sonlight so rigidly, we use their books a lot. They are generally really good "twaddle-free" books! Most days start with poetry. We have found it’s a truely lovely way to start the day and gets us all in the right frame of mind. I love ‘The Llama Who Had No Pajama’. Michael’s favourite poets are Michael Rosen and Spike Milligan at the moment. I don’t expect Charlotte Mason would entirely approve of that choice but I’m sure she’d be pleased this 6 year old has “a favourite poet”. At least once in the day we will sit down to read a short story or two. I particularly enjoy reading them a story from James Herriot’s ‘Treasury for Children’ as both boys find them captivating and the pictures are simply wonderful. While I read, the boys will do a quiet activity like Lego, threading, or plasticine (the current favourite). I have found that they will sit and listen for longer this way.
In the evenings I will read our chapter book to Michael (Steven is still too young to join in on this yet). Our current book is the unabridged version of Peter Pan.

Every Friday we have a “tea party Friday”. We bake something earlier in the day together and then all sit down with our best china (we bought specially for this and only get out on Fridays) and drink “chocolate tea” (which is what Steven calls hot chocolate!). There is something really special about the boys being allowed to use nice cups and saucers and pour *tea* out of a teapot themselves. During our tea party I read to them a book that we all agree on earlier in the day. Usually it’s a Beatrix Potter story or an Eye-View Library book (I completely recommend this series of books, they are brilliant!). We love our tea party Fridays, they are so special!
We are still following Singapore Maths. It’s a method that works well for both Michael and me.  It’s a really clear way of explaining how numbers work together and forms a really good foundation to build on. We also play a lot of games together. ‘Shut the box’ and ‘Your Number’s Up’ are still top favourites. We recently stayed with my parents and my Dad (a retired head teacher) did some basic algebra with Michael using our attributes pieces. We have continued this at home and I’ve been really pleased by how quickly Michael has picked up the concept.

I could jabber on for ages about what we’re up to, so rather than continue this now ridiculously long essay, I will save it in the hope I will write again soon!